Campus massacres! Austin clock tower, Columbine, University of Iowa, Montreal, Amish school and now Virginia Tech.....! More and more blood is being spilled on the campuses. The formula is simple! Bullying, social rejection, drunk/divorced parents, sex abuse in childhood lead to dejection, isolation and violent thoughts! These often combine with easily available guns/ammo and culminate in terror & tears! While everybody is brooding over campus security measures, I think the problem is ..... no prizes for guessing ..... the gun! Stricter gun laws, better student counseling, clamping down on domestic abuse and bullying etc. Now those are ways to curb bizarre mass killings. We have to realize, seemingly petty things like bullying can have serious implications on a child's psyche! The aftermath of such incidents and natural disasters are just terribly maddening. The victims' families never achieve closure! There is no sane individual or group to be blamed, tried in a court of law, made remorseful and punished. They can just clutch their hearts and wait for the pain to subside, which seldom does. They can only blame their fate! The guy in this particular case has been described a loner who left a note condemning 'rich and deceitful charlatans'! But in some cases , the perpetrators belong to seemingly normal families who just flip suddenly! I don't know how anybody could ever identify such individuals and prepare a plan of action for such events in advance! All we can do now is pray for the dead and their bereaved families and hope this never happens again!
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