The whole 'Big Brother' issue, in my opinion, has been blown out of proportions! Yes, Jade abused Shilpa and the place she came from. This happens everywhere every day. How many of us have abused our own countrymen. Dumb Sardar, Stingy Gujju etc,etc! Doesn't mean we don't have sardar or gujju friends! The attack on the show ,i feel, was on a personal level. She never said ' you f***ing brown skinned indians'!!!The claim of 'Racism' was not appropriate. We indians practice a form of racism ourselves...casteism. For heaven's sake, we have government backed caste based reservations!desis abroad, ridicule and abuse goras and blacks behind their backs. we have northie-southie clashes amongst ourselves! We have language & religion fanatics. I sometimes pity the whites. They are the only ones kicked for racism and other forms of discrimination, while almost the whole world practices it. and burning effigies? i think there is a well-structured industry out there manufacturing custom-made human effigies, dedicated institutes for educating people on 'Basics of burning effigies - 101' and professional 'Dharna' activists available for hire (resumes on Monster.com - minimum 5 yrs experience - BURNING STUFF!!!). Kushboo, Greg Chappell, Aamir Khan, Jade Goody....you name them, we've burnt them! and some minister warning Channel 4.....dude, do something for the people who voted for you! But kudos to Shilpa, not for surviving 'Racist' abuse, but for carrying u'rself with dignity amidst all this filth! and hey!, they gave you free worldwide publicity and paid you on top of that!your stars are aligned perfect!
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